Facial Rejuvenation PRP for Natural, Healthier Looking Skin

Living True Wellness

Facial Rejuvenation PRP

Treatment for enhanced collagen and facial regeneration

What is PRP facial rejuvenation?

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) uses the patient’s blood to entice collagen and facial muscles to respond and regenerate. This treatment is a natural and holistic approach to facial rejuvenation and does not utilize any form of chemicals. The result of the treatment will be healthier, tighter-looking skin with a less sagging and better complexion. The process begins with drawing blood from the patient’s arm and then using a machine to separate the platelets in the blood sample. These platelets are then injected into the patient’s face or other area being treated. The PRP treatment takes about an hour with full effects appearing within a few weeks.

Studies have shown that PRP facial rejuvenation injections can produce results for up to 18 months. These results will vary between individuals who experience more or less dramatic results.

Patients may experience bruising, redness, irritation, or minor swelling after the procedure. These will typically disappear within a week. If you have had blood clots or other blood disorders or diseases, this is likely not the best treatment for you. We can help you determine if this is the right treatment for you based on your health status and history.

Our procedures are only administered by a licensed physician. You can be confident we are using the utmost care and caution in our preparation and sterile techniques.

We have a trained aesthetician in our office who provides a range of facials. Patients can come in for blackhead removal, facial hair removal, or a massage. We also have a full line of natural facial products to help you supplement your skin care routine.

The vampire facial technique can also be utilized in other areas of the body, not just for aesthetics, but also to promote healing. Patients suffering from joint injuries, labial or tendon tears, or muscle damage may benefit from a PRP injection. Plasma rich platelets, when injected in the affected area, promote accelerated healing and shortened recovery times. This is ideal for athletes or anyone trying to get back into a healthy lifestyle after an injury.

Living in a balanced manner, with support from a team of compassionate, well-trained medical professionals.

Why choose Living True Wellness for PRP facial rejuvenation?

At Living True Wellness, we are dedicated to helping patients achieve optimum health. Every treatment is physician-supervised, so you know you are getting the best care available.

Call our office at 914-232-1393 or fill out our contact form.